## /config/certificates The nodes below this one perform the functions described in this function overview. Use Use to configure certificates for use with SSL. Example uses of certificates are for performing SSL offload by attaching to a virtual IP or for management access to the system by attaching to the REST server. To set up certificates, you must have access to your certificate files. The F5® LineRate® software supports PEM format certificates. Best Practices: * Give each certificate a meaningful name that helps identify the certificate. For example, you might use the domain name or security settings in the name. * Configure primary certificates and corresponding keys for each cipher type that clients may use, then attach the configured certificate/key pairs to the SSL profile. For example, for clients that support ECC or RSA ciphers, you may want to configure and attach both RSA and ECC certificates and keys. For more information, see [Managing SSL](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/093R elease_2.5/275Administrator's_Guide/Managing_SSL). #### Data Type subtree ### Request Methods GET ### Related REST API Reference - [certificateBundles](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/093 Release_2.5/250REST_API_Reference_Guide/config/certificateBundles) CLI Reference - [Certificate Mode Commands](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/0 93Release_2.5/200CLI_Reference_Guide/Configure_Commands/Certificate_Mode_Comma nds) ### Examples GET curl -b cookie.jar -k GET Response {"/config/certificates": {"data": None, "default": False, "defaultAllowed": False, "deleteAllowed": False, "numChildren": 1, "type": "subtree"}, "httpResponseCode": 200, "recurse": False, "requestPath": "/config/certificates"} 1. /config/certificates 1. 1. Data Type 2. Request Methods 3. Related 4. Examples