## /config/ntp The nodes below this one perform the functions described in this function overview. Use Use to set an IP address of a network time protocol server (NTP) to use to control the system time. You can set up more than one NTP server. After configuring an NTP server for the first time, we recommend using the [ntp sync](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/093Release_2.5/200CLI_Reference_Gu ide/Exec_Commands/NTP_Mode_Commands_(exec)) command or /exec/ntp/[sync ](https ://docs.lineratesystems.com/093Release_2.5/250REST_API_Reference_Guide/exec/nt p/sync)node to force an NTP update. Forcing the update ensures that there are no drift issues between the system time and NTP server time. so that NTP can make proper time updates. #### Data Type subtree ### Request Methods GET ### Examples GET curl -b cookie.jar -k GET Response {"/config/ntp": {"data": None, "default": False, "defaultAllowed": False, "deleteAllowed": False, "numChildren": 1, "type": "subtree"}, "httpResponseCode": 200, "recurse": False, "requestPath": "/config/ntp"} 1. /config/ntp 1. 1. Data Type 2. Request Methods 3. Examples