## /status/system/platform/type Use Use to view the the platform that F5® LineRate® detected during startup. ### Data Key The data key contains one of the following values: * native--Non-virtualized platform. * vmware * virtualBox * kvm * xen * unknownVirtual--When the system does not know exactly what virtual platform is in use. * unknown--When the system cannot detect the platform for some reason. #### Data Type string #### Default Data Value "" ### Request Methods GET ### Examples GET curl -b cookie.jar -k https://host-55:8443/lrs/api/v1.0/status/system/platform/type GET Response {"/status/system/platform/type": {"data": "native", "default": False, "defaultAllowed": False, "deleteAllowed": False, "numChildren": 0, "type": "string"}, "httpResponseCode": 200, "recurse": False, "requestPath": "/status/system/platform/type"} 1. /status/system/platform/type 1. Data Key 1. Data Type 2. Default Data Value 2. Request Methods 3. Examples