## /config/app/proxy/virtualIPBase The nodes below this one perform the functions described in this function overview. Use Use to create a virtual IP base. A "base" in F5® LineRate® is a type of template that allows you to reuse common portions of configuration across multiple objects. Each base can inherit from another base, overriding properties from that base. This lets you create basic configurations that you can reuse and build upon. #### Data Type subtree ### Request Methods GET ### Related REST API Reference - [/config/app/proxy/virtualIP](https://docs.lineratesystem s.com/087Release_2.6/250REST_API_Reference_Guide/config/app/proxy/virtualIP) [CLI Reference - Virtual IP Mode Commands](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/08 7Release_2.6/200CLI_Reference_Guide/Configure_Commands/Virtual_IP_Mode_Command s) Getting Started Guide - [Working with Bases](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/ 087Release_2.6/100Getting_Started_Guide/160Working_with_Bases) ### Examples GET curl -b cookie.jar -k GET Response {"/config/app/proxy/virtualIPBase": {"data": None, "default": False, "defaultAllowed": False, "deleteAllowed": False, "numChildren": 1, "type": "subtree"}, "httpResponseCode": 200, "recurse": False, "requestPath": "/config/app/proxy/virtualIPBase"} GET (list children) curl -b cookie.jar -k GET Response {"/config/app/proxy/virtualIPBase": {"children": {"/config/app/proxy/virtualIPBase/vipb1": {"default": False, "defaultAllowed": False, "deleteAllowed": True, "numChildren": 10, "type": "string"}}, "default": False, "defaultAllowed": False, "deleteAllowed": False, "numChildren": 1, "type": "subtree"}, "httpResponseCode": 200, "recurse": False, "requestPath": "/config/app/proxy/virtualIPBase"} GET (recursively list children) curl -b cookie.jar -k ualIPBase?level=recurse 1. /config/app/proxy/virtualIPBase 1. 1. Data Type 2. Request Methods 3. Related 4. Examples