
Shut down and restart the system.


Use to reload the current version or a different version of the system. If you have used the boot command or /config/system/boot/version node to set up a different version to reload, use the reload command or /exec/system/reload node when you are ready to actually reload that version.

Caution: The reload command or /exec/system/reload node ends all connections and shuts down the system, then restarts the system.

If an upgrade, restore, or backup is in process, the system lets you know and does not continue with the reload.

Caution: Use the force option only in extreme situations. Forcing a reload during an upgrade, restore, or backup may corrupt the system, and the system may not function at all.

Data Key

The data key contains how long (in seconds) the system should wait before starting the reload.

Data Type


Data Values

“” (Shut down and restart the system now)

force (Force a shut down and restart even if a backup, restore, or upgrade is in progress. Risk of disk corruption.)

Default Allowed


Request Methods




curl -b cookie.jar -k

GET Response

{"/exec/system/reload": {"data": None,
                          "default": False,
                          "defaultAllowed": False,
                          "deleteAllowed": False,
                          "numChildren": 0,
                          "type": "null"},
 "httpResponseCode": 200,
 "recurse": False,
 "requestPath": "/exec/system/reload"}


curl -b cookie.jar –data @data.json -k -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X PUT

PUT Response

{"httpResponseCode": 200,
  "requestPath": "/exec/system/reload",
  1. /exec/system/reload
  2. Data Key 1. Data Type
    1. Data Values 2. Default Allowed 3. Request Methods 4. Related 5. Examples